Friday 4th July
Went to G.P. for RTW (Return to Work) certificate. He strongly recommended against ANY running for the next 4 to 5 weeks. He's also against any stretching. I'll try to keep to that - have to keep the Higher Authority happy! I was taken aback with his demeanour - I don't think, even after attending him for nearly 30 years, that he appreciates the level of fitness still, even after the surgery, retain. When he heard I was walking 5 miles, he wasn't very happy.
I suggested going without the pad during the day and he agreed. I feel that I've been somewhat dependant on the pad as a "safety net" and probably could have dropped wearing it about a week ago. I'm to bring a mid-stream urine sample along on Tuesday week, two weeks after finishing the course of antibiotics, and he'll send it for testing. I asked about doing a PSA test prior to my visit to the surgeon on august 11th and he said to wait and let the surgeon decide.
I stopped wearing the pad immediately after I got home and stayed in for the rest of the day, as a precaution.
Saturday July 5th
Walked 5 miles. No pad, no problems.
Sunday July 6th
Walked 4 miles of my intended 5 miles but it started to rain and D came to collect me in the car.
Monday July 7th
Went for 5 mile walk and dropped into my Physiotherapist en route. We spoke about my requirements and shee is to work out a program and contact me. She is of the same opinion as the G.P. about resuming running. She dooes feel, though, that I'm over the surgery long enough to start some physio work.
Tuesday July 8th
Walked 3 miles of 5. Had to cut short due to drizzle/rain. D & I went into Cork for a little bit of shopping. This was my first time out in (sparse) crowds. No problems.
Wednesday July 9th
Walked 5 miles in the morning. In the evening, I went to the EMC 5k race to take some photos and meet some of my running friends again.
The lead group coming up the hill for the first time, after about 1k.
Sean McGrath comes in to win the EMC 5k
Lots of people welcomed me back. At the hall, after the race, I drank several small cartons of orange (between 21:00 and 21:30). This is probably the latest I've drank anything since the cathether was removed. I tend not to drink much, if anything, after 19:00, to ensure that I don't have to get up during the night. Anyway, I hadn't any problems. This was also the longest I've driven since the surgery. It was only about 20-25 miles round trip, but I didn't have any problems. I had been warned that brakeing might cause leakage, but I didn't have any.
Thursday July 10th
Walked 5 miles with D. I'm now walking at sub 17 minute/mile pace. I had a tendency to micro-leak today, but it wasn't a significant problem.
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