Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sun June 1st 2008 - 10 days Post-RP

This diary extract outlines my radical retropubic prostatectomy from a fly-on-the-wall perspective. It will not be to everyones taste. The idea is that other men faced with Prostate Cancer may find it helpful in considering their own options. If you find the contents distasteful or undesirable, I'm sorry for your troubles!
Finally woke about 08:15, so slept for about 8 hours all-in-all, waking once or twice during the night.Frozen spot is OK, much better now - dissipating.

Got up around 11:00 and crapped again. Found it easier to go by leaning forward at an angle of approx. 60/70 degrees.

About 13:30, I went for 2 1/2 laps of the street with A. Crapped again afterwards - much easier. After this mornings crap, I got a muscular backlash - spinchter muscle sore but ok afterwards. Some fluid passed around outside of catether after this.

At 16:00 D & I went for a walk at the Castle again. We did approx. 1 Mile - measured on GPS watch - took a few secs under 30 mins, but who is counting! Felt OK. Went for a lie-down when I got home. Slept for about 1 1/2 hours. Crapped again before bed.

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